Style 24 S/S Women's Style Forecast: Theme1_New Construction_Key Style_01 Sharp Tailoring(1)

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It creates a refined atmosphere with minimal and neat tailoring. It focuses on silhouette and texture rather than details, reflecting the quiet luxury trend. The colors are also restrained and sophisticated, with gray and black as the base, making it easy to use in a basic way. It is produced in a way that does not look rigid by using sensuous beige and grayish pink, purple, and green. 

We're updating the minimalistic pantsuit from 90s New York designers to be more contemporary. It creates a slim and sharp silhouette, allowing for a stable shoulder shape, with a range from flexible to more angular styles. The colors include basics like beige, brown, and black. By minimizing innerwear, it can be styled chicly, or you can easily match it with simple knits, shirts, and blouses. 

The importance of the white shirt is emphasized again this season, following the trend from the previous season. It updates the classic style with slight design modifications, adding elegance through features like blousing or puffiness in the shoulder area. In addition to white, basic shirts in blue and black can also be utilized. Ideas like creating a cape-like effect from the shoulder to the sleeve, as seen with Victoria Beckham (4th image), can also be effective. 

Change up the overall simplicity of a style with simple ideas that don't distract from the overall vibe. For example, add a slit to a skirt or dress to satisfy both sensuality and movement, or omit an intricate collar and use seams to emphasize simplicity. You can also utilize details such as detachable sleeves, or cut along the body to create two panels. Alternatively, it's interesting to try the idea of simply tying or banding the sleeves instead of an intricate detail.