It seems like women's handbags are being directly adopted in designs. Men are increasingly styling with small bags slung over their shoulders or held in their hands. From mini bags to medium-sized bags, there is a growing trend of bags that serve as substitutes for pockets or as sub-bags to keep hands free. While Prada maintains its classic style, Gucci (second in the top row) and Louis Vuitton introduce new styles. The lower row features more modern and structured designs with enhanced storage capacity.
Relatively simple to make and relatively low in production cost, bags (Celine, Gucci, Prada) are being offered not only to women but also to men. They are characterized by minimalistic cutting, lack of bulk, and the absence of complex additional materials. It feels as if the eco-bag's material has been replaced with leather. Since larger bags are already a widely purchased style, the focus is on adding variation through pockets or introducing novelty through color and material. Overall, a bohemian mood is emerging, emphasizing suede materials, vintage colors, and styles that are not overly angular or structured, allowing for a carefree drape.
As collaborations between men's footwear brands and outdoor brands expand, outdoor shoes are being diversely proposed in men's fashion. Various methods are being tried, such as changing only the sole or directly adopting typical hiking boots. Sneakers coexist in fashionable colors and materials, as well as in simpler designs that can be worn instead of dress shoes. While sports shoes offer strong designs and color contrasts, men's footwear brands differentiate themselves with more luxurious and restrained styles.