Style 24 F/W Bag & Shoes Style Forecast: Men's Bags(1)

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In men's bags, the proportion of shoulder bags that look like women's handbags is increasing. For the 24 F/W season, the feel of shoulder bags that can be carried regardless of gender is intensified. Not only has the color palette been diversified with red, yellow, green, etc., but also a glossy finish is added, chain straps are used, and unlike the past where typically flat and small shoulder bags were proposed, voluminous styles akin to women's bags are being developed.

 Tote bags focus on a medium size that is neither too large nor too small, considering practical use. They are proposed to be slightly larger than what is needed to insert A4 documents, with volume and good storage capacity, including side pleats, but still appear overall flat. A restrained, simple style is central. Instead of a long style, a slightly extended form from a square shape in either width or height creates a unique atmosphere. 

Backpacks are designed not only to be worn on the shoulders like typical backpacks but also to be carried like tote bags, as seen in tote bag-style backpacks. The focus is on sizes suitable for commuting and light outings rather than the large sizes associated with travel or outdoor styles. They can be made fashionable with pretty colors and patterns, or designed to be versatile and lightweight using materials like nylon in black or dark solid colors, making them suitable for any occasion.

From large bags to medium-sized tote bags, styles that are flexible rather than rigid, and can be easily squished and held without strain, are predominant. Materials that are easy to use without burden, such as flexible leather, lightweight synthetics, and padding, are mainly used. Adding a vintage nuance or restraining colors can suggest styles that are convenient for stain management. Leather bags with a form resembling holding a pillow, similar to the Fendi (2nd cut) style, are gaining attention as a new style.